Matthew Nicoll, Cypher Consulting
Summary of Web Experience
- 2008-present: maintain the HTML launch page for the Collision Information
System for the BC Ministry of Transportation.
- 2007-present: wrote and maintain the PHP-based web site.
2004: wrote VB code to generate HTML indexes to fatal collision reports
for monthly updates to the BC Ministry of Transportation web site.
designed and implemented a PHP based e-commerce website for a client in the UK.
The payment aspect of the site was done by integration
with the PayPal shopping cart merchant services.
Investigation and experimentation of live data display using
MySQL was done for future versions of the site.
2003: took over web site management for a volunteer organization:
reorganized unmanagable MS-Word HTML output into an SHTML-based,
maintainable site.
2002: made modifications to a ColdFusion / MS-Access web application,
and re-deployed it from one web-hosting service company to another.
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